Hardship Assistance
Mortgage assistance may be available to you!
Sometimes life throws you a curveball, and when that happens you may need to alter the plan. Member First Mortgage will work diligently to assist members who are experiencing a hardship in their life.
Foreclosure Prevention Assistance may be available to aid Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) Program in your area, please choose the appropriate link for your state:
- Alabama ahfa.com/homebuyers/mortgage-assistance-alabama
- Alaska alaskahousingrelief.org/homeowners
- California camortgagerelief.org
- Colorado cdola.colorado.gov/emergency-mortgage-assistance
- Florida floridajobs.org/community-planning-and-development/homeowner-assistance/homeowner-assistance-fund
- Georgia georgiamortgageassistance.ga.gov/
- Indiana 877gethope.org
- Iowa iowafinance.com/ihaf/
- Maine maine.gov/pfr/consumercredit/index.shtml
- Massachusetts massmortgagehelp.org
- Michigan michigan.gov/mshda/Homeownership/mihaf-homeowner-assistance
- Montana housing.mt.gov/Homeownership/Homeowners
- New Hampshire homehelpnh.org
- New Jersey nj.gov/dca/hmfa/erma/hub/
- New Mexico housingnm.org/new-mexico-homeowner-assistance-fund
- Ohio ohiohome.org
- South Dakota sdhda.org/social-programs/cares-act-housing-assistance-program
- Texas texashomeownerassistance.com
- Washington dfi.wa.gov/homeownership/mortgage-assistance-programs
- Wisconsin doa.wi.gov/Pages/LocalGovtsGrants/Homeowner-Assistance.aspx
- Borrowers in states not listed can find assistance at consumerfinance.gov/find-a-housing-counselor/ or by calling (800) 569.4287 or TDD (800) 877.8339.
For additional housing resources, please visit hud.gov and consumerfinance.gov.
If the above listed programs are not available to you for any reason, the next step is to take an in-depth look at your case. To apply for Hardship Assistance, click the link below and complete the application.
If you have any further questions please contact our Home Preservation Department at:
- Toll-Free Phone: (866) 636.1053
- Fax: (616) 588.9806
- E-mail: loss_mitigation@memberfirstmortgage.com
Like you, we are monitoring the latest news about COVID-19. First and most importantly, we take our mission seriously.
If you have been financially affected by the recent events stemming from coronavirus (COVID-19) or any natural disaster, remember that we are here to help! Please reach out if you need assistance and we can explore options that may help ease the financial impact of an unexpected income disruption.
- To apply for Hardship Assistance, please download and complete our Mortgage Assistance Application (fillable PDF)
- For a list or organizations that can help you in the recovery, please see our Disaster Relief Assistance Page.
If you have additional COVID-19 related questions, please visit our COVID-19 resource page.
Options to Avoid Foreclosure
A new loan – with new terms, interest rates and monthly payments – that completely replaces your current mortgage. Even if your home value has decreased or you owe more than your home is worth, you may still be able to refinance your loan.
- Make your payment more affordable by lowering your interest rate or adjusting the terms of your loan
- Creates no negative activity or event on your credit history
- Stay in your home and avoid foreclosure
*To Apply for a Refinance please click here
A repayment plan is an agreement between you and your mortgage company that lets you pay the past due amount – added on to your current mortgage payments – over a specified time period to bring your mortgage current.
- Resolve your delinquency
- Catch up on your past due payments over an extended period of time
- Less damaging to your credit score than a foreclosure
- Stay in your home and avoid foreclosure
Forbearance is an offer by your mortgage company to temporarily suspend or reduce your monthly mortgage payments for a specified period of time.
- Have time to improve your financial situation and get back on your feet
- Less damaging to your credit score than a foreclosure
- Stay in your home and avoid foreclosure
A modification is an agreement between you and your mortgage company to change the original terms of your mortgage—such as payment amount, length of loan, interest rate, etc.
- May reduce your monthly mortgage payments to a more affordable amount
- Less damaging to your credit score than a foreclosure
- Stay in your home and avoid foreclosure
A Short Sale, also known as a pre-foreclosure sale, is when you sell your home for less than the balance due on your mortgage. With your lender’s permission, you may list and sell your home at fair market value, even if the amount you receive from the sale is less than the amount you owe.
A Short Sale is an alternative to foreclosure and may be an option if:
- You are ineligible to refinance or modify your mortgage
- You are facing a long-term hardship
- You are behind on your mortgage payments
As a last resort to avoid foreclosure, you may be able to voluntarily deed your property back to your lender. It’s typically required to maintain the property in a clean and undamaged condition and also list the property for sale at Fair Market Value for at least 90 days. However, after inspection and approval, you could be eligible to receive relocation expenses to help cover your move.
For additional information about preventing foreclosure, avoiding fraud scams and accessing approved counseling at no cost to you, visit:
- Visit Freddie Mac’s “My Home” website at www.myhome.freddiemac.com or Fannie Mae’s www.knowyouroptions.com
- Find available HUD-Approved housing counselors by calling the US Department of Housing and Urban Development at (800) 569.4278 or visit www.hud.gov/counseling
- If you would like more information about VA (Veterans Administration), you can access the VA website at www.va.gov. You can also learn where to speak to a VA Loan Representative by calling (800) 827.1000
Hay ayuda GRATIS a su disposicion ofrecida por agencias de asesoria en vivienda aprobadas por HUD. VEA www.hud.gov/findacounselor para confirmar que la agencia de asesoria esta aprobada por HUD. Por telefono, llame al servicio localizador de asesoria en vivienda de HUD al (800) 569.4287.
Within the last 30 days, if you have applied for Hardship Assistance and been denied or feel the option offered was not appropriate for your situation; you may escalate your case for a second review. This request must be made in writing. Explain in detail what you wish/need to discuss. (Include your account number, relevant dates and the names of any MFM employees you have been working with on this matter.) Provide any other information that you think will help to achieve the outcomes you want.
Email to: compliance@memberfirstmortgage.com
Or mail to:
Member First Mortgage
616 44th Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49548
Attn: Compliance
We will respond to your request within three (3) business days.